Testing tag

3 results for testing tag. View blog tags

Test before you push upstream with Git hooks

posted by 6 years ago and updated 5 years ago

Please read our previous blog post A tale of Sourcetree and Git hooks. This article presupposes to have knowledge on Git Hooks.

At Under the Coco Tree we strive for automation. It is one of our core values. How can we automate redundant tasks in order to free our tim

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Testing Mail with Laravel Dusk and Mailtrap.io

posted by 6 years ago and updated 5 years ago

Laravel Dusk is an amazing way to do acceptance testing in order to make sure your application is working. To be honest acceptance testing is our favourite testing because it proves your application is working.

Although Dusk is amazing and powerful it might appear that it has certain limitations. Dusk uses ChromeDrive to create an application

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Testing with Laravel Sail and Cypress

posted by 3 years ago and updated 3 years ago

Testing is always an important element to pushing code that works. Or that code that if it breaks we can easily fix.

Setting things up for testing can always be a pain.

For this guide we will be using a package laracasts/cypress

Follow the Installation and Environment Handling sections in R

... read more on Testing with Laravel Sail and Cypress